When I met Grace in her school in September she had never used a
computer or the internet. I brought out
a hard drive packed with downloaded Open Educational Resources like Wikipedia,
Khan Academy and health materials, collated by World Possible so
they can be used offline. Grace was transfixed by the videos explaining the
circulatory system. She loved being able
to stop and rewind the bits she didn't fully understand first time. On Wikipedia for schools she was mesmerised by how
clicking on links brought up so much detail and how she could look up words she
didn't understand with a simple click. She said with access to such information
it would be impossible to fail.

I am going back to Tanzania in January to help more girls like
Grace, taking with me taking
with me donated tablets that I will pre-load with Open Educational Resources
content - if you have any
surplus devices lying around please let me know and I’ll ensure they are put to
good use!

I volunteer for Tanzania Development Trust, a small volunteer run charity - all
donations are spent entirely on projects.
If you have a tablet that you would like to see put to good use in Tanzania please email me: j.chapman@tanzdevtrust.org
If you have a tablet that you would like to see put to good use in Tanzania please email me: j.chapman@tanzdevtrust.org